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HomeLiving10 Foods To Avoid Before An Important Occasion

10 Foods To Avoid Before An Important Occasion

2 min read
Certain foods can leave you smelling less than sweet. Stay away from these when you want to make a good impression.

The phrase “you are what you eat” is true in more sense than one. Apart from providing you with vital nutrients, food can also affect how you smell. Below are odour-inducing food and drinks you’ll want to steer clear of before a big event.


While rich in potassium and antioxidants, vegetables in the Brassica family — such as cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli — are also high in sulphur-containing substances. These break down into hydrogen sulfide, whose smell is reminiscent of rotten eggs. The pungent aroma will escape through your sweat, breath and gas.


Garlic contains allicin, another sulphuric compound that breaks down in the body when eaten and converts to odiferous substances that mingle with bacteria and seep out in your sweat.


Eggs are loaded with healthy nutrients. Unfortunately, they may not leave you with an appealing scent. This is because they, too, are packed with sulphur. While you shouldn’t eliminate them from your diet, it may be wise not to order them at a breakfast meeting.


Asparagus is notorious for producing foul-smelling urine in some people. The odour is the result of your body breaking down the sulphuric compound, mercaptan, which can permeate your body as well.


The fat from dairy products can be excreted in your sweat, releasing an odour. In addition, the waste from dairy fat is digested by bacteria on skin, thus further causing an unpleasant odour.


A piece of steak may taste delicious, but it may not leave you smelling like roses, especially if you are a guy. A 2006 study collecting perspiration samples from men who ate meat and men who are vegetarian found the latter smelled significantly more pleasant. The researchers deduced the fat content in red meat may interact with the chemicals produced by sweat. The bacteria feed on the fatty acids, producing a revolting odour.


A fishy odour after eating seafood is typically related to a metabolic disorder called trimethylaminuria. People with this condition are unable to break down the chemical called trimethylamine (TMA), which is naturally found in seafood. Thankfully, this is a rare condition.


It’s thought that the refined sugar in cake and other sweet, high-glycaemic index foods alters the perspiration make-up in some people when it combines with bacteria on the skin, leading to changes in odour.


Caffeine in coffee is a stimulant that could contribute to body odour by activating the apocrine sweat glands. Bacteria feed off the sweat, giving off an unappealing BO.


Ever wondered why you reek of alcohol after a night of heavy drinking? Alcohol is absorbed and metabolised into acetic acid, which is released through your pores. Acetic acid is responsible for the stench.